Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sharing the Road with a Horse

I remembered a friend who shared to me the experience of his aunt and the story goes like this.  She was riding along the high way with her newly washed car when all of a sudden a horse with its rider decides to cross her way.  Without being much aware of what to do during the situation she decides not to slow down and even honked hard at the creature.  What happened next made her regret her action for some time.  Uncontrollably, the horse began to nervously raise its front legs as if surprised to a halt and then landed it hard at the hood of her car leaving it a good damage.  Good thing it didn’t reach her glass windows, or much worse things could’ve happened.

So, if that were you what would you have done? 

Here are the things that you should do when you happen to share the road with a horse. 
In most cases, situations like this can be a dangerous encounter between the horse and vehicle owner.  Both can get injured and hurt, especially if the horse has no rider.  If it has a rider, basically he can’t control an abrupt reaction of a horse due to its nature.  Horses, as we know them are creatures that are easily frightened and spooked so to be responsible, the first thing you should do when the horse is about as close in your car, is to come into a slow crawl or you can even pause for a moment and wait to let it pass. 
Sharing the road with a horse? Be careful not to
spook it with your car. Grabbed from Eric Tasato
To create the calm ambiance for the horse, you might want to turn off your headlights, or dim them a little.  If your car stereo is on and high, turn them off as well.  If it appears to be obviously nervous what you do is to stop and wait until his rider can keep him calm and can lead him off from your way to their desired destination and he waves at you when everything is already alright for you to go on your way. 

What you should do is the opposite of what my friend’s aunt did.  Do not continue on your way to accelerate all of a sudden and else if you do stop do not get into an abrupt and sudden brake.  Both situations that create nervous noise can make the horse rattle and move into a fuss.  

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Another important thing to remember is to never honk the car’s horn before the creature.  It’s the worse that you can do if you don’t want to end up like my friend’s aunt.  Though after you follow these tips and are successful to let the horse pass to continue their way you step on your accelerator gradually and be on your way as well. 

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