Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Horses Gone Unshod

By origin, horseshoes are designed to protect horse’s hooves from any harmful debris in the ground, to enable horses to perform their tasks better. It has been used during the Roman Ages, most often during the Crusades of Europe, wherein there came a point where horseshoes are used in lieu of money, and as a valuable item. Nowadays, some horse owners have horses that are unshod.
Are you thinking about taking the shoes off your horse? Well, farriers say that it is not advisable for a horse to go walking or running without the proper footwear because it is harmful for the animal. Other horses cannot tolerate going barefoot, primarily due to genetics. However, some farriers think otherwise. Instead, they claim that some horses can go unshod in activities such as jumping and dressage if he has ‘excellent feet’, but if the tasks that a horse should do is heavier than that, horseshoes are needed.  As a horse owner or a trainer, one must learn to be sensitive toward the horse’s needs – whether to put shoes or not, depending on the workload and some other factors.

Shoeing your horse can be very important, but some owners
prefer that their horses don't wear shoes.
Things to consider when thinking about getting your horse unshod are the type of ground that your horse will work on, as well as the amount of work the horse will put forth.  The thickness of the horse’s soles must also be kept in mind should you decide to let them work unshod. Just be careful because unshod horses are most likely to get lameness than those with horseshoes. Before thinking about making your horse go barefoot, your horse must have healthy, normal hooves, and your horse should live and work on the same type of surface. Horses should not go barefoot if they have ailments or illnesses, if they work extensively on hard, abrasive surfaces, and if they live and work on different types of surfaces. 

Keep your horse ulcer-free and healthy! Use equine probiotics to promote better digestion in horses. A healthy gut means a healthy horse. Choose horse probiotics AbActive, a product only from Abler!

Also, keep the horse trimmed by the farrier regularly.  Do not try to do it on your own for it might cause trauma and probably pain to the horse’s limbs, bones, and back. Also, seek the farrier’s advice before proceeding with getting your horse unshod. Not only should the hooves’ appearance change when horses go unshod, so as his diet. It is advised that there should also be a change in the horse’s lifestyle and go on a high-fiber diet to suit your horse’s changed dietary needs. It is also important to monitor your horse’s hooves from time to time to prevent lameness, injuries and other ailments.


  1. I have read in some research that going shoeless of performance horses would improve the condition of their hooves after the initial adjustment period and might also save your money.

    1. Well some owners don't want them shoes, but as mentioned, it would depend on the workload of the horse. Thank you for sharing your insight! :D
