Monday, August 20, 2012

What You Should and Shouldn't When Grooming Horses

The idea of grooming your own horse yourself is such an exciting idea and a fun activity to do but bear in mind that it is not an easy task to undertake.  I have heard from acquaintances even witnessed accidents while owners groom their horse that is why some breeders call for grooming experts to do the task for them to ensure safety for both owner and horse.  Though it is not bad to do the grooming yourself to foster closer bond with your horse, still you need to learn the most basic dos and don’ts for such task.

Photo grabbed from Moxie Equestrian
The first thing you should remember is when you work with your horse, start by touching him with your free hand and if possible do not remove your hand from him to keep him calm.  Not only by keeping him calm, you can also feel an instant update if he shifts, turns or makes such movement.  By knowing such movement you can well prepare yourself if he tends to get excited or makes an abrupt movement that might cause accident to you or to him. 

When you shall make turns or goes to the other side of your horse you will have to go behind him.  Though remember that he makes that surprise kick and back-ups make sure to be well out of reach or like I said just keep on touching him and keep talking to maintain his calmness and also a way to let him know that you are there.

Do watch your position whenever you are near to him.  Remember that he is easily spooked and gets nervous by your actions; he can knock you out when he decides to jump on you or even step on your foot, which is very painful.  Keep your head away from his as well because one slight swing of his head can knock you out also. Always maintain calmness and preparedness for his abrupt movements.

Equine parasites can lurk among the grasses on your pasture. Be sure your horse is well-protected with an effective equine worming program.

Now, in strokes and brushing, always remember to use soft brush for the face and stiff brush for the body.  Never switch such instruction. To brush and remove fleck of dirt and dust, brush and work in the direction of his hair growth and do not get opposite.
Image from
Great Western Clothing

For your own safety, never ever wear flip-flops or even get barefooted for I remember how painful it gets to be tiptoed at by a giant horse -- it’s not easy. So, always wear your good paddock shoes or the boots to minimize the damage or pain from probable accidents.

And finally, never ever come to your horse like a madman coming from the front or the back; always approach him from an angle to ensure that he knows that you are coming.  Keep constant communication with him and touch him to make him feel calm and in comfort.   If you don’t follow this instruction, you might want to get a nice back and front kick or he might even jump on you. 

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